Ingeniería Inversa
Bombas Warman
Lifting the key parts in an old equipment, for its manufacture
Metro de Santiago
Renew the Vía appliances, performing a Reengineering.
Minera Spence
Installation of dust collectors, in the building of the Secondary Crusher
Ingeniería Inversa
Minera Escondida
Renew the Vía appliances, performing a Reengineering.
Dust Collectors
Minera Spence needed to install dust collectors in the first level of secondary crushing building, according to this requirement two companies presented their proposals and Omega Services was asked to perform a simulation of both proposals, first to evaluate which proposal worked best with the equipment already in operation and offering a better solution to the client's need, and second, simulate the installation of the chosen proposal, considering the interferences and elements necessary to plan the procedure. As a result, the client informed that they carried out the assembly in 36 hours less than planned and without details to correct.